12 Apr

PhD conferral mrs. Linda Romanovska

Supervisors: prof.dr. M. Bonte, prof.dr. B. Jansma

Key words: brain plasticity and learning, dyslexia, letter-speech sound mapping, longitudinal fMRI, reading development

"/aba/ or /ada/, that is the question: Longitudinal investigation of letter-speech sound processing in children with and without developmental dyslexia"

Learning to read is a major achievement in a child’s development. Yet, children reach very different reading levels, with 5-10 % of children facing persistent problems due to developmental dyslexia. This PhD project aimed to understand neuro-behavioral learning processes underlying these individual differences.  It focused on a fundamental step in reading development, the association between letters and speech sounds, and investigated how 8 – 11 year-old children with and without dyslexia learn to make these associations using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner and a task specifically designed for children. The children performed this task once a year over a three-year period. These results show that how well a child learns to read relates to their audio-visual brain responses to text and speech sounds and that children with dyslexia show less activation in a brain area specialized for text processing. Changes in brain activation over the three year period reflected a switch from slow and effortful to fast and automatic reading.

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