25 Oct

PhD Conferral Mrs. Jeanne Heil, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. C.J.P. Hoebe, prof.dr. J.W.L. Cals
Co-supervisor: dr. N.H.T.M. Dukers-Muijrers

Keywords: hidden infections, pertussis, hepatitis

"Optimizing infectious disease control: how to detect hidden infections?"

The studies in this dissertation aim to identify hidden infections and evaluate the prevention, surveillance and infectious disease control policies currently in place.  This is illustrated with studies on pertussis and hepatitis. Several methods are used to identify hidden infections. This dissertation reveals that the notification period is a valuable tool to identify the different levels and influential factors involved in combating infectious diseases. Epidemiological and geographical analyses help to identify high-risk groups and estimate the prevalence of hidden infections. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to all infectious diseases. This dissertation also demonstrates the importance of testing models and estimates in practice. The results were shared with general practitioners, laboratories, health institutes and the Netherlands' National Institute for Public Health (RIVM). Our recommendations were included in the national guideline drafted by the Health Council and were applied in practice.