30 Sep

PhD conferral Dhr.drs. Wilfred Truin

Supervisor: Prof.dr. V.C.G. Tjan-Heijnen
Co-supervisors: Dr. R.M.H. Roumen, Dr. A.C. Voogd
Keywords: breast cancer, lobular type, ductal type, treatment

Title: "Surgical and systemic treatment of lobular breast cancer"

A maximum of 15% of women with breast cancer suffer from the lobular type, which has its own biological profile. Therefore, this type of breast cancer clearly differs from the ductal type of breast cancer, which is more common. Differences include epidemiological and radiological aspects, clinical and pathological features and the course of the disease. However, treatment regimens differentiate only little between these types of breast cancer, despite the differences listed above.

The studies described in this dissertation evaluate surgical treatment (breast-conserving surgery versus amputation), systemic treatment (hormone therapy and chemotherapy) and pathological features of lobular breast cancer. The aim is to further individualise the current treatment of patients with lobular breast cancer.