07 Sep
Studium Generale | PAS-festival

Opening PAS-festival

"Ik hoorde dat er geluisterd werd" / "I heard someone listening" 

Armando, poetry and prose (Dutch), & Oleg Lysenko, bayan and bandoneon
Afterwards Tata Mirando (Gypsy music) will play at the Inner Courtyard of the Student Services Centre (Bonnefantenstraat 2).

Armando (1929) is a contemporary uomo universale. He paints, draws, sculpts and etches. But he is also a writer, filmer and theatre maker, and up to 2003 a violinist as well.

Oleg Lysenko (1974, Ukraine) studied at the music college in Poltava, after which he continued his studies at the Messiaen Academy in the Netherlands.

Tata Mirando stands for pure gypsy music, which creates a specific musical atmosphere with its own distinct style. Armando has often played as a violinist with this orchestra in the past.

Artist and writer Armando (1929) and leading accordionist Oleg Lysenko (1974, Ukraine) take to the stage together in the production ‘I heard someone listening’. In this unique cross-over of literature and music, Armando will read his own poetry (Dutch spoken) and prose, and Oleg will play music by composers like Victor Vlasov, Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky. 

Armando has been working for dozens of years on a substantial oeuvre: a Gesamtkunstwerk with a number of strong and consistent themes that are depicted with simplicity and power. He grew up in Amersfoort during World War II. These years were formative for his view of mankind and have been the source of inspiration for his artistic oeuvre. His interest in the tragedy of mankind in an indifferent landscape has been expressed through many disciplines and motifs. Leaders, perpetrators and victims all appear in his work. Armando reflects on the uncomfortable beauty of evil, the culpability of the landscape, and time, which erases all trace of the past. Despite the weightiness of his themes and the melancholy leitmotif of his oeuvre, Armando’s theatre work, fairytales and stories touch a lighter, more absurd and even humorous chord.

Lysenko specialised in Argentinean tango on bayan and bandoneon at the Rotterdam Conservatory. Lysenko has a penchant for cross-genre projects, in which visual art, literature and music complement and overlap one another.

This evening, he is playing:

- Victor Vlasov – Gulag Suite 
- Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky - October from The Seasons, Op.37a
- Jerzy Petersburski – Tango
- Vittorio Monti – Czardas
- Igor Stravinsky - Tango 

Armando's books -with signature - and Oleg's CDs will be for sale at the PAS-festival.