22 Mar

Onsite PhD conferral Jacqueline Gerarda Margetha Jennen

Supervisor: Prof. dr. IJ. Kant
Co-supervisor: Dr. N.W.H. Hansen

"Relations between health status and labour participation outcomes among older workers over time"

Keywords: Older workers, health, participation

The studies in this dissertation aimed to gain more insight into the role of health on older workers’ labour participation, whilst taking into account the potential impact of the (work) context as well as selection processes in this relation. The data infrastructure of the prospective Maastricht Cohort Study (MCS) enabled us to investigate this relation thoroughly. Different subjective and objective indicators of health, as well as different labour participation outcomes, were thoroughly studied over time. Findings demonstrated the substantial impact of health on labour participation outcomes. Additionally, findings revealed the facilitating impact of various work-related factors in the relation between health and labour participation, which provided valuable entry points for the development of preventive measures/interventions aiming to enhance labour participation of older workers.

Language: Dutch

Click here to read the thesis