Online symposium Sex/Gender Differences in Tobacco Control


Men and women often have different reasons for smoking and experience different obstacles when attempting to quit. As researchers and health providers, it is important to pay attention to these differences in order to address existing disparities in smoking and quitting. But what are these differences exactly? And how can we address them? 

In this free online symposium we cover a range of topics concerning sex/gender differences and issues in tobacco control, such as differences in the triggers and barriers to quit smoking and the effectiveness of national-level interventions. 


Speakers (in random order)
Dr. Hedwig Vos, Leiden University Medical Centre 
Prof. dr. Gera Nagelhout, Maastricht University and IVO Research Institute 
Nikita Poole, MSc, Maastricht University and IVO Research Institute 
Dr. Rachel O’Donnell, University of Stirling 
Dr. MacKenzie Peltier, Yale University

Target audience
Smoking and Tobacco Control Researchers and Healthcare Professionals 

Maastricht University / CAPHRI, Onderzoeksinstituut IVO

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