19 Oct

Online PhD conferral Khalid Abdelmutalab Elmardi Abdelgadir

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stef Kremers

Co-supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ishag Adam, Unaizah, Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Jessica Gubbels

Keywords: anaemia, malaria control interventions, IDPs (identity providers) and refugee camps, Sudan

"Anaemia and malaria in low malaria transmission settings: Prevalence, determinants, and association with malaria control interventions"

This thesis assessed the burden of anaemia as well as the effectiveness of malaria control intervention on anaemia and malaria infection through a population-based cross-sectional study in Sudan. Findings showed that half of the children and one-third of pregnant and non-pregnant women in Sudan were anaemic. While childhood anaemia was lower in camps than in rural settings, it was not statistically significantly different between camps and rural areas among pregnant women. In its actual level of community utilization, only indoor residual spraying and malaria diagnosis were found to be effective in reducing malaria infection. Community utilization of insecticidal nets and antimalaria treatment did not demonstrate a positive impact on infection. None of the studied malaria control interventions was associated with anaemia, which means that malaria is not a leading cause of anaemia in such low malaria transmission settings.  

Click here for the full dissertation.

Click here for the live stream. 

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