07 Feb
19:30 - 22:30
UM Star Lecture in Maastricht

Nutrition and medicine (Lecture in Dutch)

That eating healthy is an important dimension of lifestyle is attested by the emergence of lifestyle medicine. Yet diet can do even more as part of an integral treatment approach to illness. Increasingly, the medical world is homing in on personalised medicine, where nutrition could potentially play a major role. Complex surgical and medical interventions, whether aimed a chronically diseased organ or a malignant tumour, can be deleterious to patient health. However, improving patient nutrition through a balanced diet that addresses metabolic disruptions while increasing resilience could significantly boost the efficacy of certain ‘medical’ interventions. Professor Schols will discuss how research at Maastricht is contributing to the advancement and implementation of nutrition as part of disease treatment. (Lecture is in Dutch)

About the speaker

Annemie Schols

Annemie Schols is professor of nutrition and metabolism in chronic diseases at Maastricht University since 2004. She is furthermore Scientific Director of NUTRIM School for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nutrim) at the Maastricht University Medical Centre since 2006. In 1998, she initiated MINT Institute for Post Graduate Education (www.mintonline.org) to accelerate translation of new scientific insights in nutrition and metabolism to tailored education for medical specialists and paramedics.

Professor Schols is principal investigator of a translational research programme on metabolic derangements in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer with a specific focus on unintended weight loss and muscle wasting, to unravel generic and disease specific denominators and mechanisms. These insights are the basis for developing and evaluating novel nutritional and metabolic intervention strategies with a focus on multimodal approaches. She has published > 300 scientific papers and received many citations (H-index is 85; Google Scholar: A.Schols).

This lecture is part of traditional series of lectures for alumni; the UM Star Lectures. The other 13 lectures are organized in 13 different cities and 5 countries on the same day at the same time. This event is organized to reach out to and inspire alumni, share academic insights, experiences and memories and to create an interconnected UM Alumni Community.