15 Mar
Studium Generale | Movie

National Gallery

London's National Gallery is itself portrayed as a brilliant work of art. 
Director Wiseman listens raptly as a panoply of experts decode the great canvases of Da Vinci, Rembrandt and Turner. 

He visits the museum's restorers as they use magnifying glasses, tiny eye-droppers, scalpels and Q-tips to repair an infinitesimal chip. He attends meetings in which senior executives do battle (politely) with younger one. 

But above all, we experience the joy of spending time with the aforementioned masters, as well as with Vermeer and Caravaggio, Titian and Velázquez, Pissarro and Rubens, and listening to the connoisseurs’ discourse on the aesthetic, historical, religious and psychological backgrounds of these masterpieces.