22 Apr
16:00 - 17:00
Prof. dr. Vincent Sagaert

The Maastricht Private Law Lecture (webinar)

The Maastricht Private Law Lecture, hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, invites a distinguished scholar to address a topic related to the wide field of private law.

The Third Maastricht Private Law Lecture will be delivered by Prof. dr. Vincent Sagaert and will take place online on 22 April 2021. 

This event is open to everyone, but registration is required. Registration is free of charge.

Vincent Sagaert


Vincent Sagaert is Full Professor of Private Law and Director of the Research Institute of Property Law at the University of Leuven. He was member of the Expert Committee which drafted the Act reforming Property Security Law on Movables (2013) and co-directed the Reform of Condominium Law (2018). He was one of the two drafters of the new Book on Property Law of the new Civil Code, which will enter into force on 1 September 2021.

Prof. Sagaert is member of the editorial board of several law journals (e.g. European Property Law Journal, Rechtskundig Weekblad, Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Burgerlijk Recht), co-director of the Belgian Review of Private Law and co-editor of the International Encyclopedia of Property and Trust Law. He was visiting professor at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), the Université du Burundi (Burundi) and the University of Tilburg (Netherlands). He is a fellow of the South-African Research Chair for Property Law (Stellenbosch). He was appointed as holder of the Chair of the Review of Private Law in 2006. He is program coordinator in the property law program of the Ius Commune Research School. He published numerous books and articles in scientific law journals on property law, the law of obligations and insolvency law. Prof. Sagaert has received several awards for his scholarly contribution to legal science (A.P.R.-Prijs, de T.P.R.-Prijs - twice – and the Ius Commune Prize).



Welcome by Prof. dr. Jan Smits

16.05-16.15h Introduction by dr. Bram Akkermans

Maastricht Private Law Lecture by Prof. dr. Vincent Sagaert:
The Codification of Property Law: A Search for Principles in an Integrated Private Law


A Research Seminar with PhD-researchers and Prof. dr. Vincent Sagaert will take place that same day, from 13.30 to 15.00h.


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