12 Apr
FEM Call for volunteers

Let's Create a Guide on Overcoming Bias in Citation Practices

Recently, Sally Wyatt spoke to the FEM community during our FEM lunch “Holding ourselves accountable: Overcoming bias in citation practices” about the hidden biases in citation practices. After a fruitful discussion with our UM community members, we realised that there is still a lot to be said… So, we’re making a guide!

We want to expand on this important discussion by creating a quick guide that will elaborate on ways of holding ourselves accountable, becoming more aware about the different biases in our own citation practices, and give suggestions on how to overcome them. The goal is to create an accessible document that can be shared with our UM community.

Would you like to be involved? Send us an email at fem@maastrichtuniversity.nl by 12 April 2021 with the subject line “Guide on citation practices”. Depending on the amount of volunteers, we envision this project to take +/- 4h per volunteer, with the aim of finalizing the document by the summer.

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