18 Jun
09:00 - 13:30
Roundtable - Zoom

Law and Popular Culture III


The Roundtable aims to bring together multiple approaches to the place of law in popular culture.


The Roundtable will bring out the manner in which popular culture affects law and the understanding by actors in society. Two previous editions were hosted at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University (2019 and 2020), and offered a forum to discuss approaches to this area of study. Other experiences at UM include MaRBLe Projects, directed by Jan Smits (2015) and by Agustín Parise (2020), gathering papers by students on alternative perceptions of law.

The Roundtable aims to trigger further interest on this area of study, alerting on the value that non-conventional approaches to law offer to the better understanding of social sciences.


This event is organized by Agustín Parise and Arthur Willemse, with the support of MaRBLe Research Based Learning.



09:00   Agustín Parise
Opening Remarks

Keynote Address
09:05    Jan Smits
Why Law and Popular Culture?

09:40   Break

First Session
Moderator: Jana Trifunović

09:45   Parthabi Kanungo
Jus in bello and the Treatment of Non-Combatants in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida 
10:00    Discussion  

10:15    Anna de Jong
Less Love, More Law - Rereading Jane Austen
10:30    Discussion

10:45    Anna-Sophie Hochgürtel
Hydeing’ Dr. Jekyll’s Legacy: Testamentary Validity and Enforcement in Late Victorian London
11:00    Discussion

11:15    Break

Second Session
Moderator: Nick Frijns

11:35    Franco Peirone
Law and Justice in Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables and Quatreving-treize

11:50    Discussion

12:05    Arto Jaakkola
In Cold Blood: The M’Naghten Rules and Introduction of Psychological Evidence in the American Midwest of the 1950s
12:20    Discussion

12:35    Sarah Schoenmaekers
The Influence of Popular Culture on Market Participants in the Cultural Sector: Is there Need and Room for Regulation?
12:50    Discussion

13:05    Break

13:10    General Discussion
Moderator: Eline Couperus

13:25    Arthur Willemse
Closing Remarks

13:30    End of activities