08 Jul 09 Jul

Judicial and extra-judicial challenges in the EU multi- and cross-level administrative framework

In the dense, multi-level administrative framework in the EU various administrations at various levels of governance put into effect provisions of EU law. At the same time, and (though not necessarily) linked to the phenomenon of ‘shared administration’, EU law has also contributed to the shaping of a form ‘transnational administration’, which refers to the possibility for an administrative act to have effect beyond its territory, with or without the need for recognition by the receiving member state. In this complex system of cooperation, we are particularly interested in challenges and gaps that have been or can be identified in the broader system of remedies – be they judicial or extra-judicial. These challenges emerge in various, if not all policy fields. To provide some examples, they emerge in competition law, the pharmaceutical industry, GMOs, data protection, allocation of funds – among many other fields. This workshop is dedicated to exploring some of the various challenges linked to the shared and transnational nature of administrative-decision making processes aimed at implementing EU law.

This workshop is organised by Mariollina Eliantonio and Nikos Vogiatzis and is jointly funded by Maastricht University and the University of Liverpool Research and Development Fund.


MONDAY 8 JULY 2019  
14.00 Registration & welcome coffee
14.30-15.00 Introduction by Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht University) and Nikos Vogiatzis (University of Liverpool)
  Part I: Judicial challenges linked to the multi- and cross-level nature of decision-making process
Chair: Lilian Tsourdi (University of Oxford)

Challenges arising from the data sharing activity of public administrations – The case of asylum (Niovi Vavoula, Queen Mary University of London)


Challenges arising from vertical and horizontal need for cooperation – The case of GMOs (Rui Lanceiro, University of Lisbon and Mariolina Eliantonio, Maastricht University)

16.00-16.30 Discussion
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
  Part II: Judicial challenges linked to the multi- and cross-level effects of the final decision
Chair: Filipe Brito Bastos (University of Amsterdam)

Challenges arising from the principle of mutual recognition (Luis Arroyo Jimenez, University of Castilla-La Mancha)


Challenges arising from the transnational nature of the acts (Olivier Dubos, Bordeaux University and Emilie Chevalier, University of Limoges)

18.00-18.30 Discussion
  Part III: Judicial challenges linked to the multi- and cross-level nature of enforcement activities
Chair: Darryn Nyatanga (University of Liverpool)

Challenges arising from enforcement activities – The case of inspections (Maurizia de Bellis, University of Rome Tor-Vergata)

9.30-10.00 Discussion
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
  Part IV: Extra judicial challenges of multi- and cross-level administration
Chair: Natassa Anthanasiadou (Maastricht University)

Challenges related to extra-judicial cooperation in the field of maladministration (Alexandros Tsadiras, Open University of Cyprus)


Challenges related to the audit of the EU Budget (Gabriele Cipriani, formerly European Court of Auditors)

11.30-12.00 Discussion
12.00-12.30 Closing remarks by Mariolina Eliantonio and Nikos Vogiatzis
12.30-14.00 Lunch



Maastricht University Campus Brussels
Avenue de Tervueren 153
1150 Brussels

How to get to the UM Campus Brussels:

  • Metro: from the Central station take the purple metro line 1 leading to Stockel (not line 5 to Herrmann-Debroux) and get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Avenue de Tervueren 1-171 and then turn right. The UM Campus Brussels will be after 30 meters on your left hand.
  • Brussels Airport: take bus 12 or bus 21 that both cover the area between Brussels Airport and the city center. In both cases get off at ‘Diamant’ and take the tram line 23 or 24 both in the direction of ‘Vanderkindere’ or take line 25 in the direction of Boondaal Station. Get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Avenue de Tervueren 1-171 and then turn right. The UM Campus Brussels will be after 30 meters on your left hand.

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