16 Mar
10:45 - 13:30
ITEM event

ITEM: Interreg project Crossquality closure event


The INTERREG-EMR-V-A project Crossquality is coming to an end. 

On 16 March 2023, 10.45 to 13.30 CET, the closure event of this project will be held in Maastricht. 





11.00 Welcome and introduction: The partners of the project
Martin Unfried, Project leader, ITEM Crossquality, Moderator
Prof. Martina Fromhold-Eisebith, RTWH Aachen (via zoom)
Prof. Elly van de Velde, Hasselt University
Prof. Roland Billen, University of Liège
Michael Dejozé, EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine
Rob van Vugt, Interreg Programme Meuse-Rhine
11.10 Crossquality – A methodology to better assess the quality of cross-border cooperation and the experiences with the first application in the Euregio Meuse Rhine
Fabian Fahl, RWTH Aachen, Casper Kikken, Hasselt University  

A first round of feed-back from practitioners involved in the research
Mike Lüker, Province of Limburg, Expert Public Transport
Paul Hölsgens, Euregio  Meuse-Rhine, Expert Education/Labour market

11.45 Crossquality – The pilot: What are the results related to the Interreg programme Euregio Meuse Rhine?
Martin Unfried/Pim Mertens, ITEM, Maastricht University

Debate: Interreg Practitioners and the Crossquality team
Peter Paul Knol, Interreg Programme Deutschland-Nederland
Dirk Peters, DG Regio European Commission (responsible for Interreg Meuse-Rhine)
Jean-Philippe Odeurs, Interreg Programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine
Mike Lüker, Province of Limburg, Expert Public Transport
Paul Hölsgens, Euregio  Meuse-Rhine, Expert Education/Labour market

12.45 End of the closure session
13.00 Lunch and networking
13.30 End of the event


As a reminder, here some background information on Crossquality:
How good is the cooperation of public sector bodies, companies or citizens in our cross-border region? How can we describe the quality of cross-border networks and entities? And finally: what are precisely the positive effects of an Interreg programme on the different aspects of cooperation and governance across borders?

In 2021 and 2022, the Crossquality project developed a methodology to measure the quality of cross-border cooperation related to Interreg programmes. With this innovative qualitative assessment methodology, it is possible to better assess the effects of Interreg programmes in a specific programme area. One practical result of the project is a handbook for practitioners describing how to apply the assessment.

As a pilot, the team from RWTH Aachen, Hasselt University, University of Liège, Maastricht University and EGTC Euregio Meuse Rhine carried out a first assessment by approaching many Interreg experts in the cross-border territory, conducting interviews, organising workshop and launching a survey.

The results for the Interreg programme Euregio Meuse-Rhine will be presented and discussed during this closure event.


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