08 May
Studium Generale | Comedy

International Comedy Festival

You can find stand-up comedy in every corner of the world these days. New talents keep popping up, and this time they find a stage at the AINSI, as part of the first Maastricht International Comedy Festival. 

An express delivery from all over Europe carrying 8 comedians, each of them infamous for their own type of good, unpretentious stand-up comedy. Find the comedians on three different stages for a full night of comedy and don’t forget to come in party mood, because a DJ will be playing until late in this great venue, which used to be a cement factory.

Picture of the comedy festival


Bob Maclaren (NZ) is born in New Zealand and a resident of Amsterdam. He has delighted every corner of the world with his laconic and surprising comedy. A combination of kiwi isolation and the lurid madness of Benelux gives Bob a refreshingly unusual view of life as he sees it. A storyteller extraordinaire with a body language that can be best described as mildly unhinged; his routines have been televised on every continent. A superbly visual performer with razor sharp observations, Bob’s stand up has seen him grace the stages of Montreal, London, Amsterdam and every other corner of the planet.

Joe Eagan (Canada) currently resides near Copenhagen and runs the English comedy club there. Founder of InternationaComedians.com, he is also very much a ‘behind the scenes’ kind of guy as a booker and agent, whilst specializing in organizing corporate and expat shows across Europe. On stage, he entertains crowds with his unique perspective about life in Europe, culture clashes, and lots of other fun things - a maple syrup mix of observational humour you don't want to miss!

Soula Notos (Greece) is born and raised in Holland in a Greek family. Crisis indeed! She knows it by heart. Growing up with shouting and gesturing relatives (small bodies, lots of movement), the only relief was comedy. And now, close to her well deserved pension, she loves to tell stories filled with self-mockery to as many people as possible. 

Andy Valvur (USA) began his comedy career at legendary San Francisco comedy clubs like the Holy City Zoo, Cobbs and The Other Cafe. Since then he has worked at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles as well as the IMPROV and Catch a Rising Star in New York. He has performed in Australia as well as Europe where he recently headlined the Cologne International Comedy Festival. As a writer he has written for the San Francisco Chronicle, Maxim, Cosmopolitan and the New York Times. He was also a writer for political comic Will Durst’s Emmy nominated PBS show “The Durst Amendment” and Dan Aykroyd’s House of Blues Radio Hour. As a voice-over actor he has appeared in video games such as Star Trek, Top Gun, Psychonauts and others.

Adam Fields (UK) has a background in improvisational comedy, and his stand-up performances are peppered with spontaneous wit and schizophrenic leaps into other personalities. A lively and visual performer with broad material ranging from the political to the plain stupid. Adam has performed in Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, USA, Monaco, Switzerland, Malta, Italy, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and South Africa.

Manuel Wolff (GER) is a quick-witted German comedian. The charming young man is known for his dry observational humour, occasional outbursts of anger and surprising improvisational skills. In Germany he won several awards, among them the Master Comedy Slam 2012 and the "Kabarettbundesliga", which could be loosely translated as the"Comedy premier league". He performed at the prestigious Quatsch Comedy Club in Berlin and tours Germany with his solo show "ui!". In Cologne he hosts Cologne's best and only Stand-Up-Comedy-Club "Boing!". 

Kevin Precious (UK) is a stand-up comedian, MC and promoter (and former teacher) based in Brighton. He has performed his stand-up comedy routines at top venues all over the country inc: Jongleurs; the Glee, Birmingham and Cardiff; the Stand, Edinburgh; the Comedy Cafe, London; and the Frog and Bucket, Manchester. Added to this, he has worked for leading comedy agents such as Off the Kerb, Christian Knowles Productions, the Comedy Club, UK Comedy and Mirth Control. He is also the co-founder and regular compere at a variety of ‘Barnstormers Comedy’ venues. Barnstormers’ gigs can be found in counties as diverse as Sussex, Kent, Bedfordshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Warwickshire

Anthony King (UK) is an outwardly normal looking bloke who turned to comedy after he was disowned by the Catholic Church for confessing in too much detail. Having finally found a use for his twisted sense of humour, Anthony has gone on to perform at all the major comedy clubs across the UK and beyond, including performances in the Netherlands, Dubai, Majorca, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. His devilishly droll deadpan humour, masterful timing and delivery of a stream of one-liners combine to make him one of the most polished performers on the circuit. His act is a combination of his own true-life experiences mixed in with a whole bunch of lies