15 Nov
08:00 - 17:30

Innovation at the EU in the aftermath of the COVID-19

A review of tax and other financial instruments


We are pleased to announce the Conference on "Innovation at the EU in the aftermath of the COVID-19. A review of tax and other financial instruments", to be held on 15 November 2021. The Conference is free of charge and registrations are open. Please click the green button on the right side of this page. You can download the flyer here.   

To encourage your participation, we would like to draw your attention to the following: The EU is dealing with many tax issues, including the priority of tax systems that contribute to sustainability. Together with the other organisers, we believe that one of the important opportunities in this context is innovation, which can play a prominent role in making Europe more sustainable in light of the climate crisis and health care. This could be a smart way for Europe to overcome the crisis.

As Europe risks falling behind other innovation poles such as China, the Asian countries and the United States, we came up with the idea of reviewing the existing innovation tax measures. The aim is to find out to what extent these measures are satisfactory, which shortcomings need to be improved and which new rules could be introduced. The conference is part of a research project conducted by the Conference organizers. Our intention is to produce a comprehensive report with recommendations to raise Europe's profile as an innovation hub. More innovation can make an important contribution to healthy economic growth and employment. European policy in this area is crucial to ensuring a better and sustainable future for our countries.

As this is independent and objective research, representatives from science, management, consultancy, industry, the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the European Union have been invited to the conference. To ensure a broad input, experts from many European countries, including Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain, will participate in the discussions.

Of course, we would also like to hear your opinion. Your voice counts and we encourage you to participate in the moments of open debate. We would be delighted if you would join us in reflecting on this central issue for the future of the European Union. Please find below the information about our event and feel free to distribute it to people who may be interested. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


08.00 Opening and welcome by Prof. Jan Smits (Dean U. Maastricht, Faculty of Law)
08.10 Innovation policy at the EU Level, Ms. Ramona Samson (European Commission, DG Research and Innovation)

Specific financial instruments EU perspective, Prof. Raymond Luja (U. Maastricht)
1. Corporate Taxation (Framework, Competences EU&MS, Innovation & taxation for the XXI Century)
2. Stimulus package, expected impact on innovation 
3. State aid and innovation, Framework, issues and impact on MS and third countries 

10.00 Break
10.15 Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I).
A fundamental approach to input and output tax and non-tax related incentives by
Dr. Esperanza Buitrago (U. Maastricht)

Panel members: Mr. Marco Aleman (WIPO Assistant Director-General IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector), Dr. Ana M. Perez-Tetrel (U.Nanterre, Paris X, Lexplana, Fr)

10.45 Fiscal and tax measures, getting the Stimulus Package to its target 
MNE, SMES, Universities, research centres?
Profs. Andrés Baez & Aitor Navarro (U. Carlos III) 
Panel Members: Profs. Raymond Luja (U. Maastricht), Stjepan Gadzo (U. Rijeka). Mr. Francesco Spinello (Tor Vergata University of Rome)
11.30 Human capital (inpats, expats).
Inpats, expats
Prof. Marianne Malmgrén (U. Eastern Finland) 
Panel Members: Profs. van de Vijver (U. Antwerpen),  Marjon Weerepas (U. Maastricht). Dr. Elina Pylkkänen ( Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, FIN) 
12.30 Lunch break
13.30 Deductions
Profs. Andrés Baez and Aitor Navarro (U. Carlos III)
Panel Members: Dr. Elizabeth Gil García (U. Alicante), Paloma Schwarz (U. Luxembourg), René Offermanns (NL), Marianne Malmgrén (FIN)
14.30 Specific regimes 
Patent boxes, nexus, minimum tax especially carve-outs, tax planning
Dr René Offermanns
Panel Members: Profs. Hans van den Hurk (U. Maastricht), Krzystof LasińskiSulecki (U. Torun). Mr. Erick Jansen (Innovative tax, NL), Mr. David Córdova (Buren, Lx), Mr. Steef Huibregtse (TPA, NL), Dr. Anita Isomaa (Tax Director, Federation of F innish Industries, FIN)
15.30 Break
15.45 Limitations of innovation-related benefits
Anti-abuse provisions in the supply and the demand side of innovation (R&D expenses, royalties, beneficial owner, etc. - Buitrago & Navarro)

Exit taxes (Malmgrén)
Transfer pricing on IP and innovation (Ms. Ivón Marlén Saenz PWC)
Transfer pricing on IP and State aid (Dr. Paulina Szotek, EC)
MAP shortcomings & arbitration, (Offermanns)
Discussants: Prof. Wolfgang Schön (Max Planck Institute), Mr. Steef Huibregtse (TPA), Ms. Ivon Marlén Saenz, Mr. Theo Keijzer (NL).

17.15 Conclusions
17.30 End


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