30 Jun

Informal networking drink Alumni Circle Southern Limburg

Celebrate UM's 40th anniversary with us!

Maastricht University's Alumni Committee in Southern Limburg invites all alumni in our region to join us at The Preuverij on Thursday 30 June 2016 at 20:00h.

Our beloved University celebrates its 40th birthday this year. We would like to celebrate this occasion as alumni (still) in Southern Limburg at The Preuverij, a café where everybody probably spent at least a few days a week during their studies! It holds a lot of memories and we would love to hear about them!

So come and join us on 30 June, where we can talk, laugh and watch a bit of football on the big screen.

Please register for the event by sending an email to  alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl or via  043-3885221.

Drinks are at your own expense.

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