12 May

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Roger Rennenberg

Appointed professor in Promoting Quality and Safety in Healthcare

"Zorg van de hoogste kwaliteit en veiligheid, tegen (w)elke prijs?"

When one looks at media and healthcare, it is often about a fantastic new treatment, a great new drug or, more on the negative side, about a serious miss. Unfortunately, or, in the case of a miss, fortunately, only a few people benefit. With improving the quality and safety of our care, many more people benefit, and, in my opinion, many more lives are saved. In this speech, I discuss the history of quality and safety in education, science, and hospitals. I also discuss the current situation where we have largely protocolised care but where further improvement seems to be inhibited. Finally, a look to the future, how I think quality and safety in education, science and healthcare should move forward.

Language: Dutch

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