03 Nov

Inaugural lecture Prof. dr. Andrea Broderick

Appointed professor of 'UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Peace' in the Faculty of Law

"Back to the Future: Re-conceptualising the Realisation of Socio-economic Rights in a Post-COVID Era"

The realisation of socio-economic rights has long given rise to manifold challenges. These challenges came to the forefront once again during the COVID-19 pandemic, which compounded existing inequalities. Groups that were already marginalised have largely borne the brunt of the harmful impact of the pandemic itself and State measures taken in response to the pandemic. In addition, the COVID-19 crisis revealed new inequalities in socio-economic rights realisation that impacted on the dignity of many individuals and groups.

In my inaugural lecture, I explore one particular socio-economic right, the right to inclusive education in international human rights law. Using a comparative case study related to persons with disabilities, and focusing on the core human rights principles of dignity and equality, I will re-imagine socio-economic rights realisation, partly drawing on lessons learned during the pandemic.

Click here for the live stream.