01 Feb
Studium Generale | Lecture

How to celebrate Maastricht Carnival?

Some believe that ‘carnival’ is derived from carne vale: Latin for ‘farewell to flesh’. The feast of carnival indeed anticipates the start of Lent, the period of solemn observance in many Christian denominations that begins on Ash Wednesday. 

Lasting from Sunday morning till Tuesday midnight, Maastricht is, in local parlance, “one big pub”. 
Unlike other southern Dutch cities, Maastricht carnival is renowned for its street celebrations. Fancifully dressed people – locals and visitors alike – sing, dance and talk nonsense at every street corner of the old town. 

Based on his long and intense experience, Van Iterson invites us to look at the grotesque character of Maastricht carnival. He will also address the dos and don’ts of these three days of folly.