07 Apr
Studium Generale | Lecture Series

The History of Science - Einstein in China: Origin of Genius

Science is one of the major sources of progress in society. Our scientific genius is one of our most precious resources. 
But the genius of science still remains a mystery.

Is it an uncontrollable element of our best minds, or can it be stimulated by political and economic incentives? 

This series of lectures presents an analysis of the concept of the genius, through various historical episodes involving some sort of genius. It investigates the nature of our beliefs in scientific genius, and points to the growing importance of public debates on science. 

A portrait of Einstein

The individual lectures:

1. Newton and the Bosheviks (10 Mar)

2. Darwinism and Modern Times (17 Mar)

3. Frankenstein and the Endless Frontier (24 Mar)

4. Einstein in China (7 Apr)

5. The Wonderful World of Walt Disney (14 Apr)