11 Mar
09:00 - 10:30

Green Impact workshop #1

We have started with Green Impact! If you haven't signed up and yet still want to discuss sustainability with us: come to our workshop on March 11th.

These subjects will be addressed:

  • International business travel
  • Nature inclusive campus
  • Sustainable events & meetings
  • Health & wellbeing in buildings on campus
  • Competencies for UM staff members on sustainability


Or join one of the other workshops:

  • 8 April Workshop #2
    Time: 15.30 – 17 h, Location: Randwyck
  • 13 May Workshop #3
    Time: 9 – 10.30 h, Location: inner city

How does Green Impact work?

You pick one of the themes above that you would like to work on. Until May 2020 you work together within a team on a plan that can be implemented at UM. Of course the team of Sustainable UM2030 will help you along during workshops and via intranet.

  • You can sign up to Green Impact, even if you've missed some of the events already.
  • Alternatively, you can attend the meetings without signing up if you would like to listen in on what we are working on.

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