06 May
11:00 - 12:30

Green Impact: Student Auditors workshop

Do you dare to evaluate your professors and other UM staff on their sustainability performance? Do you want to contribute to a greener university? Become a Green Impact student auditor!

Student Auditors are students who evaluate the sustainability actions implemented by the Green Impact teams. The teams consist of both students and staff.

Become a Student Auditor and..

  • Develop environmental auditing, analytical and professional skills;
  • Improve your understanding of sustainability and behaviour change;
  • Take part in an international, award-winning change and engagement programme;
  • IEMA-approved training; receive a certificate and reference letter upon completion!

If you want to partake, please sign up before April 8!

Please put the following dates in your agenda:

  • The workshop on May 6 is mandatory between 11-12.30h. After that there is a working session in which you can ask questions between 13 and 16h.
  • The audits will take place between 7 and 10 May and will take one hour. You can do an audit by yourself or with a partner.
  • 15 May is the deadline to hand in your auditing report.

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