04 Jun
Alumni event in Brussels

Get-together potluck in Brussels

Alumni can join in a get-together potluck


As the days are getting longer and warmer, we would like to invite you for another Alumni get-together before the summer break. This time you will be able to find out more about how you can become involved in the upcoming elections in Brussels while tasting typical national and regional dishes prepared by your fellow alumni.
We will kick off the evening by giving you an introduction to the work of 1BRU1VOTE, a non-partisan citizens initiative asking for voting rights for all non-Belgian citizens in the October Brussels regional elections.
With the municipal elections in the Brussels region coming up in 2019, we will also head into this topic by presenting, VOTE BRUSSELS, an initiative aiming to get more non-Belgians to vote.
We will then continue discussions on elections, the upcoming football world cup, and summer vacation plans over your favourite food. Just bring along a popular dish, dessert or drink from your home country or region to share with your fellow alumni!

You can register for this event via our UM Alumni Portal.

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