13 Nov
16:00 - 19:00

Female Empowerment Maastricht University - Launch

The FEM team is proud to announce the launch event of FEM - Female Empowerment Maastricht University on 13 November, from 16.00–19.00, at the Jan van Eyck Academie! FEM is a new network promoting the empowerment of women and female leadership at UM to foster a culture of gender equity and diversity. We aim to unite and welcome everyone (independent of gender orientation or academic background) through a yearly event, lunches, workshops and a mentorship programme.

During the launch event, Rector Magnificus Prof. Rianne Letschert will be interviewed by SBE’s dean, Prof. Peter Møllgaard, about current female empowerment practices and ways to further improve female empowerment and female leadership in administrative and academic positions. The main goal of the event is however to pick your brains in brainstorm sessions: what do you expect from FEM and its activities regarding work-life balance, mentoring, training and networking events. Feedback and input from you, the potential members, is essential in letting FEM succeed!

The event will conclude around 19.00 after drinks.

We invite everyone working for UM (whether administrative or academic staff) who is interested in advancing women in our community to attend the launch event! 

In case you can't find a babysitter for the event, you are welcome to bring your children. Parents remain responsible for their children; entertainment will be organised. 

Participation for this launch event is free, but with limited seats available you are kindly requested to register for the event. Registration is based on a first come-first serve policy. 

In case you have any quesitons, you can contact us under fem@maastrichtuniversity.nl.