08 Oct
12:00 - 13:30
Sustainabilty beyond the buzzword

Feel the Chemistry - Sustainability Challenge

What role can science & innovation play in solving today’s global challenges? Celebrating 80 years of science & innovation, all tenants at Brightlands Chemelot Campus have joined forces to organize a Challenge Trilogy: a special series of three festive events, designed to challenge the campus community to develop a better future.

When bright minds meet, brilliant ideas come to life. That’s what we call chemistry! It’s what the world needs now, more than ever. You are cordially invited to attend the Challenge Trilogy and Festival 'Feel the Chemistry' to reflect on global challenges and the role science and innovation play in solving them with frontrunners from within and outside of our campus community.

We guarantee you will feel the chemistry!

Feel the Chemistry festival

On October 8th, three campus tenants will share their vision on sustainability in a pitch to be challenged by the audience, including an interactive panel with startups and experts.

Sustainability is on the minds of many. Companies talk about it and consumers want to contribute to it. But how many really do? And are they addressing the issue successfully? Take a look inside three international corporations, located at Brightlands Chemelot Campus, that will share their roadmap to sustainability.

  • What is their vision?
  • What do they think needs to happen to realize a truly sustainable future for our planet and all who inhabit it?
  • And how important is collaboration to achieving this goal?


Seats are limited because of the Corona.guidelines and are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If the event is sold out, we will share a link so you can participate online via our livestream.

Register now


Feel the Chemistry festival
Time Activity
12:00 Welcome by Arnold stokking, managing director, Brightsite
12:05 Circular and renewable the new era
Frank Kuijpers, General Manager Global Corporate Sustainability, SABIC
12:20 Audience poll
12:25 Sustainable solutions with synthetic rubbers from arlanxeo
Herman Dikland, Chief Technology Officer, ARLANXEO
12:40 Audience poll
12:45 Sustainability is the new business model
Sjaak Griffioen, Director Innovation, Sustainability and Strategy, DSM
13:00 Audience poll
13:05 Panel discussion
13:30 Closure


  • Arnold stokking, managing director, Brightsite


  • Frank Kuijpers, General Manager Global Corporate Sustainability, SABIC
  • Herman Dikland, Chief Technology Officer, ARLANXEO
  • Sjaak Griffioen, Director Innovation, Sustainability and Strategy, DSM

Table guests

  • Lianne van Oord, Program Manager Process Innovation, Brightsite
  • Wouter van den Berg, Director, Yparex and representative for campus entrepreneurs
  • Mary McCarthy, Investment Manager, Brightlands Venture Partners
  • Audience wild card