Faculty Introduction Law – master's students


For students of the following master's programmes:

European Law School 
International & European Tax Law
Forensics, Criminology & Law
Globalisation & Law
International Laws

The Faculty Introduction will give you many opportunities to learn more about the education we will offer in the first semester. You will get to know your fellow students, discover Problem-Based Learning and meet our programme coordinators. We have created an informative and interesting programme for you which you will find below. You will receive an invitation to participate in the introduction on your e-mail address.





 Introduction completely ONLINE

The Dutch government has decided to abolish the 1,5 restrictions for universities as of August 30, at the start of our regular education. Unfortunately, during the week of the Faculty Introduction (August 23-27) the current restrictions still apply. This has led to the decision to shift all on-campus introduction activities to ONLINE. We of course regret this decision, but it is necessary to comply with regulations and to ensure that our activities can be organised in a practical way.

Please note that the daily programme as mentioned in on Canvas via tab Modules is leading.

Post-discussion case study

During the LAW Faculty Introduction, you will work with Problem-Based Learning. The case you have prepared will be discussed with a teacher. This can be done online or at the faculty. Due to limited capacity at the faculty (max 100 students), we kindly ask you to register for the post-discussion. PLEASE REGISTER VIA DE LINK IN THE INVITATION (WHICH YOU RECEIVE(D) PER EMAIL).

Start your online preparation as from 16 August

As of 16 August 2021, videos and other content such as your first case, information about the Education Office, the UM Library, study associations and more will be available.
All information will be made available on our online learning platform Canvas. You can login to Canvas via the student portal.

Education starts on 30 August. Fully 'on campus'! We are looking forward to meeting you at our faculty.
