16 May 17 May
09:00 - 18:00

Executive Course on Health Risk Strategies and Communication (RISC) in the European Union

In an era where crises are increasingly of a ‘trans-boundary nature’, risks and uncertainties are at the centre of current political and public debate. Salient examples in the Health Sector include genetically modified organisms (GMOs), infectious diseases, and endocrine disruptors, just to name three examples.

New, continuing, and sometimes intensified uncertainties surrounding such risks inevitably influence risk strategies developed within organisations: is a certain issue a risk as such and how to communicate this risk in a responsible manner?


  • You will benefit from the of expertise of practitioners and renowned scholars from different disciplines
  • You will be introduced to a conceptual toolkit to drive risk strategies and communication in order to systematise processes that you come across on a regular basis
  • You will exchange best (and worst) practices of risk governance (with other professionals working in the health sector)