27 Sep
Alumni bijeenkomst in Eindhoven

Eindhoven: "Great Leaders improvise!"

Alumni are very welcome to join a presentation for leaders of the future

Great Leaders Improvise! In times when change is the only constant, we need leaders with a viable mindset. Come to the inspirational presentation of Cyriel Kortleven, international speaker and expert in the field of change on Wednesday, September 27th, from 19:00 onwards. The purpose of this presentation is to inspire you with fresh techniques to meet the challenges in your organization.

Learn how to break the boundaries of departments and organizations. Be inspired by examples from different industries, and prepare for the future of leadership.

Next, a cozy get-together takes place. In short, a nice opportunity to meet other alumni and rebind with the university! Take the opportunity to meet Cyriel Kortleven's new presentation as one of the first.

You can sign up for this activity via the UM Alumni Portal.

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