23 Jan
Studium Generale | Music


Federico Ordoñez is regarded as one of the most talented Flamenco dancers of recent years.
Coming and living in Brussels at a very young age he showed a pronounced interest in dance. At the age of 15, he began to dance with Antonio Martinez in Brussels, one of the Flamenco pioneers in Belgium. Quickly he became part of his dance company. He danced in, among other things, "Fuego", at BOZAR (Centre for Fine Arts), in Luxembourg, and in different halls in the Netherlands. 
Afterwards he went very more profiling as a soloist. He worked together with, among others, Indian singer Martinez in Flagey Brussels and Juana La Loca by and with guitarist Michel Gillain.

Nowadays Fred Federico Ordoñez very active at the Academy (Grégoire VM and Gérard Deltenre) in Brussels and with Las Estrellas Andaluzas (Patricia Valentine) in Charleroi. Still he performs often on at Festivals and theatres and he teaches dance workshops all over Europe.

Ursula Moreno derives from one of the largest Spain families of artists such as the singer and actor "Antonio Molina" and "Angela Molina", one of the most acclaimed actresses of Spain. 
Moreno completed her dance and drama studies at the "Real Conservatorio de Musica y Danza de Málaga" with the degree as a qualified dance teacher.

She has gained her extensive stage experience in long tours with the companies "Conchita del Mar" and "José Luis Ponce" until she headed her own "Flamenco Dance Studio Ursula Moreno" in the Switzerland for five years. Many years she was a member of the "music ensemble of Benares".

The dance couple, who are perfectly in tune with one another, combine power and technique with elegance and femininity.