15 Jan
Studium Generale | Event

Dada: The Revolt of Art

A Hundred Year Dada Birthday Bash!

A Dada event with an exhibition of various artists, music, readings, lectures, film and more.

Dada or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century. Dada is the absurd answer to the absurdity of war, a biting satire on the complacency of the bourgeoisie, a distorting mirror in which the laughable "rationality" of "civilization" is mirrored and then assuming the form of a Medusa who with her look of terror petrifies spectators. Dada is, in short, the jester with jokes but in a bitter and desperate mood true a culture that scourges itself in lies and false pretention..
Dada is elusive, paradoxical, absurd, surrounded by myths and hilarious stories. 

Dada had a great influence: both the CoBrA movement as Provo may call himself heir to Dada, and Surrealism, the Situationists, Fluxus, Pop Art, Monty Python's Flying Circus and the punk movement. Dada has produced many children... 

A picture of the exhibition.

Dada: The Revolt of Art will kick of on Friday 15 January with a Lecture by drs. Bart Jan de Graaf, culture historian from Sittard.

Further: a Dada-Photo-Booth, écriture automatique' and Cadavre exquis. Acrobatics and other performances and acts. A Dada Poetry Generator
All broadcasted by the Ultra Amateuristische Omroep - Unprofessional Broadcasting Network
Loads of music among others from Betonfraktion from Tilburg. 

A Group exposition will run from 15 to 21 of January. There will be different workshops during the week.