06 Feb
13:30 - 15:00

CANCELLED! UM Well-Being Movement Presents: Manuela Heins


The UM Well-being Movement is proud to present a lecture by Manuela Heins ‘From fixing what is wrong, to building what is strong’ 

Healthcare professionals used to focus on how mental disorders would limit someone in life, and try to fix that. Instead of fixating on the problem, a better solution could be to endeavour on what a patient still can do. There have been three major shifts in healthcare: from disease to a health/coping model, from expert based to experience based, and from focusing on medication to focusing on (social) stress and how to resolve this. This shift could lead to increased mental well-being, but what does that mean? Mental well-being does not mean being sick or cured, but a balance that needs to be searched for constantly and most important, it is most likely not just ‘being happy’. 

Curious? Join us during this lecture of Manuela Heins, Wednesday 6 February in the Maastrichtzaal UNS40, Randwyck from 13:30  - 15:00. 

Don't forget to sign up here

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