07 Sep
21:00 - 21:30
PAS Festival

Can you trust a food label?

There are many different food products available in a supermarket. Thanks to information on the label, you seem to be able to go for that healthier option. But why can some products claim they are good for you, or that you stay healthy by eating them? Alie de Boer, Assist professor Nutrion and Food Law will tell you all about it.

PAS festival

PAS festival 2019

The PAS-festival provides an accessible introduction to the research that is carried out at the Maastricht University:Science. Another important branch is the fine arts, mainly in the form of music and theatre: Art. And all of this is seasoned with Pleasure, not only through a small programme of clownesque street theatre, but also because all the participants and visitors join in creating a wonderful atmosphere and enjoying a varied programme together.

Entrance: free!

More info: https://english.pasmaastricht.nl/