11 Dec
17:30 - 19:00

Book Launch 'Shaping Parliamentary Democracy: Collected Memories from the European Parliament'


Join us for a book launch 'Shaping Parliamentary Democracy: Collected Memories from the European Parliament'.


The discussion will focus on the wider awareness of the European Parliament's past and will look at the experience of former Members of the Parliament and its relevance for the times to come. 




Shaping Parliamentary Democracy: Collected Memories from the European Parliament

Book launch Shaping Parliamentary Democracy


The book analyses nearly 100 original interviews with Members of the European Parliament from across the European Union who were active between 1979 and 2019. These interviews, preserved in the Historical Archives of the European Union at the European University Institute, capture the memories of the MEPs about their own roles and their assessment of what the Parliament achieved in developing a European parliamentary democracy in the forty years following the first direct elections.


The book offers a taste of the interviews in ten chapters, each of which corresponds to a specific theme presented in the archive: choosing the parliament, working inside the parliament machine, living inside the political groups, playing a part in major moments, influencing and shaping policy, scrutinizing and holding to account, making a mark beyond the EU, communicating the work of the parliament, keeping in touch with national societies, and looking to the future.


Tim King, Journalist, Contributing Writer at POLITICO's Brussels Sketch Column

Alfredo de Feo, Professor at European College of Parma and Fellow at Jean Monnet Center at NYU.

Christine Neuhold, Director of the UM Campus Brussels and Professor of EU Democratic Governance at Maastricht University. 

Michael Shackleton, Special Professor at the University of Maastricht. Dr. Shackleton has published widely on European Community topics.