28 May

Amplifying Leadership: From Local Action to Global Impact

We often associate leadership with power, status, and authority and tend to forget about the leaders closest to us: local leaders. People who are in direct contact with communities are uniquely positioned to push forward ideas, galvanise others and create immediate social impact. If given the right approaches, local impact and leadership can be transformed into solutions that tackle emerging global challenges.

With this in mind, Dr. Alaa Murabit, Dr. Aziza Khabbush and Christina Myers developed the Omnis Institute. Omnis provides a platform for local leaders around the world with an interest in international peace and security, human rights and sustainable development, amplifying their voices for sustainable social impact through leadership training, mentorship and a tight-knit network of support. Their aim is to collaborate with local leaders and give them the visibility and recognition of their leadership that is crucial to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

‘It is local leadership which amplifies all our voices. It is local leadership which makes any change possible.’
-Dr. Alaa Murabit 

On 28 May, Ambassador Lecture Series will host a stimulating leadership training workshop and Q&A session with the founders of Omnis Institute. Join us to learn how you can bring about the change you want to see in the world!

FREE ENTRANCE! Please note that we operate on a first come, first served basis.

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