31 Aug

Alumni get-together in Rio de Janeiro

Enjoy an informal networking drink in Rio de Janeiro together with Zoé den Boer, our Senior Recruitment Officer at the Marketing & Communications department of Maastricht University.

End of August 2016 Maastricht University will participate in three fairs in Brazil, the QS fairs in Rio de Janeiro on the 27th and 29th of August respectively, and in Sao Paolo on the 4th of September.

Zoé den Boer, Senior Recruitment Officer at the Marketing & Communications department of Maastricht University will host an informal networking drink for UM alumni during her stay in Rio de Janeiro.

It would be a nice opportunity for you to hear the latest news from Maastricht University and for Zoé to find out more about your plans and/or careers after graduation.

Date: Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Time: 7 PM
Location: El Born, Rua Bolivar, 17 in Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro

If you’re interested in meeting up with Zoé, please let us know by sending an email to alumni@maastrichtuniversity.nl. We will inform Zoé about your attendance and keep you posted.

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