24 Jul 28 Jul
09:00 - 18:00

5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society (GAMES 2016)

World Congress of the Game Theory Society

 24 till 28 July 2016

GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, will be held at Maastricht University from July 24 to 28, 2016. Game Theory focuses on models of conflict, competition and cooperation, in which each of the different parties is trying to achieve its own individual aims. Although originating on the interface of Economics and Mathematics, Game Theory has found its way into many other fields of science, such as Biology, Law, Robotics, Political Studies and Medical Studies. Next to this, the societal impact is illustrated by Nobel Prizes in Economics frequently being awarded to Game Theorists. Some of these laureates will participate in GAMES 2016 in Maastricht.

 More information: www.games2016.nl  .