28 Mar 29 Mar
09:00 - 18:00

29th edition of the Genetics Retreat - NVHG graduate meeting

On 28 and 29 March 2019 the 29th edition of the Genetics Retreat - NVHG graduate meeting will take place in Rolduc (Kerkrade). This annual two-day event covers human and clinical genetics, molecular/translational genetics, genomics and epigenetics in health, development and disease in a wide range of disciplines.

We welcome PhD students, (junior) postdocs, PI's, MD's (trainees) and all other scientists (including master students) from universities, clinical institutions and research centres in the Netherlands and neighboring countries. More information and registration on: www.geneticsretreat.mumc.nl

7 good reasons to attend

  • Develop your presenting and debating skills in an informal but professional setting and receive useful feedback.
  • Receive updates on forefront research in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
  • Be inspired by a top-notch speaker during the NVHG-keynote lecture.
  • Discuss research projects among peers, with principal investigators and with the keynote speaker.
  • The best oral graduate presentation will be invited by NVHG to give a presentation during the NVHG annual meeting.
  • Awards for the three best oral graduate presentations (see: overview former prize winners).
  • A wonderful chance to combine science, networking and socializing at a very pleasant venue.

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