Elverding in the media

The Elverding researchers regularly appear in the media. See the latest publications in English and Dutch below.

Rob Bauer: ‘Duurzaam beleggen leidt niet noodzakelijkerwijs tot hoger rendement’

rob bauer

Kiezen voor een duurzame focus heeft ook nadelen, aldus hoogleraar Rob Bauer. Daar moeten pensioenfondsen transparant over zijn. ‘Nu krijgen deelnemers alleen maar het mooie verhaal te horen.’

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Elverding student conference: Sustainable business for a sustainable future


Society increasingly expects companies to not only create shareholder value but also to take societal challenges into account. There is emerging regulation at the EU as well as at the national level requiring companies to conduct their activities in a way that is compatible with these societal expectations, taking into account issues such as human rights and the environmental consequences of the business activities.  

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Do people really want sustainable financial products?