EDview: the implementation

With ‘Edview: the implementation’ we aim to implement EDview’s recommendations for future education at UM.

EDview will translate the outcomes of the initial research phase in the practice of UM’s educational philosophy and the communication about this.

Furthermore, EDview will look for ways to innovate PBL, all based on four key PBL principles:

  • constructive
  • collaborative
  • contextual and
  • self-directed (CCCS) 

The project team focuses on:   

  1. Encouraging the uptake of EDview results by existing UM taskforces, working groups and projects 
  2. Communication  
  3. Stimulating and supporting Communities of Practice on teaching and learning 
  4. Integrating EDview in PBL-training for students
  5. Investigating possibilities for personalised curricula in a PBL environment 
  6. Creating a flexible organisation 

Project team: 

Steering committee: 

  • Erik Driessen (chair) – Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Ellen Bastiaens (secr.) – Academic Affairs
  • Mirko Reithler – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Rob Ruiter – Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Sjoerd Claessens – Faculty of Law
  • Inken Gast – School of Business and Economics
  • Lonneke Bevers – Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Aggie Paulus – Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Harm Hospers – EDLAB
  • Christoph Rausch – Human Resource Management
  • Herco Fonteijn – Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience & connection to Quality Agreements
  • Konstantin Michel – student