The Critical Visitor

Through six strategic work-packages, the consortium aims to test and recommend strategies that dismantle structures of exclusion and promote inclusive daily practices within heritage spaces. Steinbock's vision extends beyond theory, emphasising tangible outcomes that redefine museological practices, aligned with contemporary ethical standards.

The origins of the project lie in Steinbock's firsthand experiences within the Queering the Collections Network, where they observed the compartmentalisation of inclusion initiatives within institutions. Recognising the need for a cohesive and intersectional approach, Steinbock assembled a national consortium committed to reimagining heritage spaces within "The Critical Visitor" framework.

Through experimental research formats like Field Labs, Queer Salon series, and Artists and Archives meet-ups, the consortium fosters professional learning and collaboration, addressing shared pitfalls and advancing a multi-issue approach to inclusion and accessibility. For more information on the project, and other similar work check the Centre for Gender and Diversity page