Course registration for PhD candidates

If you are a PhD candidate at the School of Business and Economics and want to follow individual courses, please follow the steps as mentioned below.

Step 1: register as a PhD student

After you have completed your PhD registration, please send an email to so we can approve your registration. When your registration is approved you can log into the Student Portal, where you can register for courses, find your schedule, download the academic calendar (with registration deadlines), etc.

Application manual

Step 2: register for courses

As a PhD student, you can register to follow individual courses at the School of Business and Economics.

If the deadline for course registration in period 1 has passed, you cannot register yourself for courses for this period in the Student Portal. If you still want to attend courses in period 1, you have to inform the research support office which courses you would like to take. Please include the course code, your i-number/student number and the approval of the course coordinator in your email. Note that you can only register for courses in period 1 if there is still room in the course. Registration is on a first come first serve basis.



In case of questions, please contact:

Course registration manual