Christopher Dürr, alumnus BA European Studies

After having completed my three years of studies, I decided to do an internship at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin. I spent eight weeks at the department responsible for relations with central European countries, and was given the chance to transform my theoretical knowledge – gained through my three years of European Studies – into practical experiences.

Whilst in in Berlin, I joined several department meetings, negotiation sessions and engaged in the Berlin microcosm by participating in countless day activities for interns as well as evening events in embassies, ministries and business’ offices. I was also involved in my department’s day-to-day work, such as researching issues for citizens who had voiced concerns, preparing policy memos and assisting my supervisors with writing country files. 
Academically, I feel that the European Studies Program has prepared me sufficiently for the tasks I had to fulfil in the Ministry. The curriculum’s focus on EU affairs and the history of central Europe allowed me to explore the European Union’s institutional setting and its political framework, including all countries which have joined in 2004. My time in Berlin has given me not only practical work experience, but also the ability to deepen my knowledge about diplomacy and more precisely the functioning of inter-state politics.

Christopher Dürr (German)
Head of Finance, Association of German Public Banks
Year of graduation: 2013