Latest blog articles

  • The difficult thing about the Brexit referendum and the events that followed in the United Kingdom is that the instrument of a referendum, in all its simplicty, may have undemocratic consequences... This blog is only available in Dutch. 


  • How should we describe last week's situation, when the Canadians headed home after the Walloons torpedoed CETA? ... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • For a successful change-adventure you need the right people. You’ll have to build a real movement with them! To that end, a group or team of employees will have to take the lead in the change. We like to refer to this as the necessary coalition of change: a group of people with a shared belief that...

  • For those who have already looked into the programme, one first impression is that it is crazy short and jam-packed with contents (1 course per 4 weeks). And in being short, choosing your specialization for the second semester (February - June) means the pressure is on for some to make up their...

  • Nearly everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and most people also have several other devices (tablets, laptops, etc.) to connect to the internet. Did you know that with just a simple smartphone or laptops companies and universities can already predict what kind of emotions you are experiencing?

  • In his written answers to the European Parliament as well as orally during the hearing to establish his suitability to become first Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner Designate Frans Timmermans promises to ensure a common-sense test for all future legislation. I offer some legal...

  • Published on MLR blogs. What do documents about negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), oversight of the EU’s Food Safety Authority or Tax-Justice have in common? In order to access these documents, (selected) Members of the European Parliament are requested to...

  • It was even featured on Dutch television: the State of the Union by Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission on 14 September 2016... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • One difference (depending on the discipline as well) between a Bachelor and Master programme is the workload. Would I say the shift is significant between the Bachelor I have completed and now? Not only might it be too soon to say (I shall follow up with another post at the end of the first semester...

  • Is the Wilders trial a political process - like his attorney Geert-Jan Knoops argues? Is it an impossible task for the judge because, like he said, it is in fact about the party programme of the PVV - and therefore encroaches on the political decision-making process?... This blog is only available...