Latest blog articles

  • This week we met with two of the Board members, Méabh Branagan and Magali Mattar, of Amnesty International Maastricht Students (AIMS). Together with 4 other Board members, Méabh and Magali lead a group of motivated Maastricht students with a passion for human rights. Méabh, a UCM student, is the PR...

  • Last July, Annemarie Penn-te Strake came into office as Mayor of Maastricht and since then has been the face of the city. She is the successor of the controversial former mayor, Onno Hoes. One can say that this was a remarkable decision given her apolitical background and unaffiliation to any...

  • When Germany opened its borders for 1 million refugees, Australia allowed 12 000 asylum seekers into the country. This is just a fraction compared to Merkel´s quota, especially when we look at the size and population. With 22 million inhabitants and a land of the size of North America, you would...

  • Guantánamo serves as a prison for 13 years now. In the meantime 678 have been either released or transferred out of 800 prisoners. This article is only available in Dutch.

  • Constitutional Law seems to be relatively stable. However, in practice changes are taking place suddenly as well as gradually. As an example Heringa mentions the law consultative referendum, which entered into force last year. This part has been added to the chapter about legislation. The book is...

  • We speak of a political dialogue if a National Parliament wants to exchange thoughts with the Commission, or has got objections regarding another substance. From the perspective of the legitimacy of the EU it’s a wonderful thing that National Parliaments exchange thoughts with the Commission and...

  • On 19 February 2016, the European Council reached agreement on the Brexit dossier (EUCO 1/16); if the British decide to remain in the union on 23 June 2016, certain thing will change, or at least, will have to change... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • No one will have failed to notice the United Kingdom's referendum on membership of the EU. To avoid a British exit, an agreement   has been reached... This blog is only available in Dutch.

  • The end is near – at least the end of the Dutch language – if we are to believe some of the discussions taking place in the Netherlands. 

  • Samina Ansari is a 24-year-old Globalisation & Law Masters student at Maastricht University. Currently, she is in Kabul where she is a legal trainee at The Asia Foundation. Before she left for Afghanistan, we did an interview with her about her life, activities, and interest in women and refugee...