Blog Contract law workshop
The annual Ius Commune conference and its contract law workshop on “Contract law in times of corona and other sanitary crises”.

The annual Ius Commune conference and its contract law workshop on “Contract law in times of corona and other sanitary crises”.
What is the role of the law in addressing the issues faced by the contemporary consumer, and who should be its maker?
What is the role of the law in addressing the issues faced by the contemporary consumer, and who should be its maker?
What is the basis for the claim of the ‘remaining’ EUR 4.875.000?
M-EPLI Talk entitled ‘A Multidimensional System of Commercial Law’.
Depicting a legal dispute arising out of the enforcement of a surrogacy agreement.
The CJEU delivered its judgement in Citroën Belux NV v. Federatie voor Verzekerings- en Financiële Tussenpersonen (FvF)), a case surrounding Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices (UCPD) and Art. 56 TFEU.
Notes from a conference on European contract law organised by the University of Chicago Law School, where European academics and colleagues from Chicago discussed in particular the European Commission’s proposal for a common European sales law.
There was a workshop that took place at Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing. It was the first meeting of the collaborators in a project which aims to investigate contract law in China and Europe in a comparative and cross-cultural perspective.
M-EPLI organises a workshop in cooperation with Tsinghua University, School of Law devoted to contract law in China and Europe.