Latest blog articles

  • It is not that listening to the electorate is wrong. It is not wrong either to build a campaign on perceived wishes of the electorate. Trying to win an electoral campaign either, is wrong.

  • After the United Kingdom had voted to leave the European Union in the national referendum on 23 June 2016, the swift ascent of May to the leadership of a deeply divided nation was not marked by decisive and resolute action, but a sense of uncertainty and strategic obfuscation.

  • The UK Supreme Court has ruled: no Brexit without prior involvement of Parliament! It is often said that courts may enter the political domain as the representative of the people and the body to which governments should be accountable.

  • The Yeomen of the Guard proceed to the Lords chamber on their way to undertake the first ceremony of State Opening, the checking of the cellars.

    Westminster's turn

    How the Supreme Court restored Parliament to its rightful place. That’s precisely what happened on Tuesday: The Supreme Court decided, by a 8-3 majority, to mandate that the triggering of Article 50 TEU can only take place after prior approval from both houses of Parliament.

  • Trump for President MLR blogs

    Blind trust?

    May the US President appoint his son in law as advisor to the White House? For quite a lot formal appointments the President needs the advice and consent (permission) from the senate, but not here. Is it permissible? 

  • German Commissioner Guenther Oettinger is facing hearings in the European Parliament this week regarding his promotion to the budget and human resources portfolio.

  • Published on MLR blogs. Conflicts of interest of high-ranking civil servants that leave their EU post are currently again subject to critical discussion. This blog will examine how conflicts of interests are dealt with in selected European agencies.

  • It is often said that courts, when exercising judicial review or settling constitutional conflicts, may enter the political domain and take the seat of parliament or politics as the representative of the people and the body to which governments should be accountable. However, in light of quite a few...

  • In representative systems are not only about majority decisions, but also about comprimises to find majorities and maintain them. That's something we've seen in the Netherlands over the last couple of years... This blog is only available in Dutch. 

  • During the period of July to October 2016, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada was up for approval at the National States... This blog is only available in Dutch.