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  • ​With the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal fast approaching, it is becoming increasingly evident that the British government still has no clear plan, relies on wishful thinking and is running out of viable options. To prevent a complete disaster, a much more targeted salvaging operation might...

  • With the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal fast approaching, it is becoming increasingly evident that the British government still has no clear plan, relies on wishful thinking and is running out of viable options. To prevent a complete disaster, a much more targeted salvaging operation might...

  • To speak of economic justice today is to speak of the basic income. A basic income can be defined as an unconditional cash payment to all persons who form part of a political community. As automation increases, there is fear that labor will be replaced by “robots”. The basic income seems to be a...

  • On the 4th of April 2018 - in Strasbourg the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a groundbreaking recommendation concerning children of imprisoned parents.

  • EU Negotiator Michel Barnier

    At the crossroads

    The phony war between the United Kingdom and the European Union is over. Now, for the real deal. However, this agreement (which is not final until all details have been ironed out) comes at a heavy price.

  • The US government is breaching its obligation to promote universal respect for human rights by cutting back on its contribution to UNRWA for aid to Palestinian refugees. Other states have extraterritorial human rights obligations to compensate for this reduction.

  • The United Kingdom’s Brexit strategy is increasingly being revealed for being based on wishful thinking, not facts, with devastating consequences for the upcoming talks.

  • One of the major achievements from European integration is the principle of mutual recognition. (Dutch only)

  • She decides: Arleen Foster, MLA, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party effectively pulls the strings on the Conservative minority government.

  • One year after the successful Brexit referendum, the cards are all on the European Union’s side. What Brexit means in such a climate is anyone’s guess, even twelve months later.