Latest blog articles

  • The well-known British James Bulger case is ‘celebrating’ its 25th anniversary. This revives the debate on how we should deal with children suspected and convicted of serious crimes.

  • The biggest challenge of the 21st century is undoubtedly the question of how to tackle the effects of a rising population, expanding industrialisation and growing environmental degradation. Apart from an ever complex world, there are externalities that are the result of the way humankind has been...

  • Public authority increasingly relies on private standards and corporations’ due diligence processes in the regulation of sustainability and human rights in global value chains. How can it ensure that private actors driven by economic considerations are trustworthy in the regulation of their value...

  • This thesis discusses the ability of Public-Private Partnerships (hereinafter PPPs) to generate socio-environmental benefits, thus, their capability to promote sustainable development goals throughout Europe. 

  • Julia Reda, the only representative of the Pirate Party in the European Parliament, delivered the lecture “Copyright Showdown” at the Faculty of Law and explained how two controversial articles in the proposal might undermine the long-awaited EU copyright reform.

  • Sofia Ranchordas (University of Groningen) and Catalina Goanta (Maastricht University) have been awarded a Flexible Grant for Small Groups by the Independent Social Research Foundation (UK) for their project “DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Marketing: Regulating Social Media Influencers’.

  • The oft-lauded flexibility of the ‘constitution’ arguably make the UK a potentially unstable and unreliable negotiating partner: there will, for example, be no entrenched or judicially enforceable domestic legal principle that will prevent Parliament from reneging on whatever agreement, if any, the...

  • Eksodi kukes_former Yugoslavia

    Larger than life

    On 21 December the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) held its official closing ceremony. The Tribunal is thereby a thing of the past. But it lives on in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, first and foremost in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), but also in Serbia and...

  • My message is, however, that next to the main lines of law’s contents, law students should learn about the ways in which law affects society and its participants. In this connection, they should study selected topics from sociology, but also – and that is the main message here – the cognitive...

  • The UK accepted the EU withdrawal negotiating position almost completely - with one exception - the UK does not have to pay for the moving vans of the EU agencies currently hosted in the UK.