Latest blog articles

  • A 83-year-old man suffered severe brain damage due to a fall in a bank. The man was brought to a hospital where he died one week later. A medical report then showed that the lack of assistance did not (even partly) contribute to the man’s unfortunate death. Still, the refusal to help had certain...

  • In recent years, an increasing number of customers and investors have filed claims against banks such as for mis-selling financial products or poor financial advice. Cees van Dam, Professor of European Tort Law at Maastricht University, reveals three general remarks on the bank’s duty of care: on...

  • One of the major achievements from European integration is the principle of mutual recognition. (Dutch only)

  • In July 1995, thousands of Muslim Bosniak men were deported from the enclave Srebrenica and subsequently killed by the Bosnian Serb army under the command of Ratko Mladić. The UN had declared Srebrenica a “safe area”, but the Dutchbat soldiers were not able to prevent the capturing and killing of...

  • At the hearing of the parliamentary interrogation commission, investigating tax evasion,Toine Manders claimed at June 16th, that the government infringes people’s property rights by taxing. (Dutch only)

  • ​Call to Participate in a Questionnaire on Dispute Resolution Clauses.

  • An employee seeks an apology from his employer for inadequately handling a complaint against him. A sexual abuse victim pursues an apology from the Catholic Church for the harm that was done by one of the priests. Can individuals claim an apology, and will a court order one?

  • In this blog I like to inform you about a visit to an interesting event on Law and Technology. The organiser has been striving to open the minds of law students from the University of Pavia and expose them to different views as to how technology can offer solutions for legal problems.

  • vreemd_mlr_blogs_header

    Absurd claim

    On 9 April 2011 a gunman killed 6 people in a shopping mall in the Dutch town of Alphen aan den Rijn. A group of victims now claims damages from the gunman’s parents, claiming that they should have prevented their son from this horrendous act. The claim will fail: on the facts of the case, there is...

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    Leftist science?

    How diverse is Dutch science? According to a majority in the Second Chamber, perhaps not quite diverse. Last week, the Chamber adopted a motion that calls upon the government to clarify whether Dutch university staff is made up too much homogeneous. (Dutch only)